Thursday, July 28, 2005

Heavenly Creatures Web Site

This site is the one to refer to for a lot of the information you need as background. Questions 4 and 5 for the unit standard will be on here in the next day or so, along with some exam questions.

Heavenly Creatures

1.4 The relationship between one verbal feature and one visual feature in the text is analysed in terms of the effect.
Explain the link between one verbal and one visual feature in terms of making the story and setting seem credible. Give specific examples.
Write a paragraph.

1.5 Describe a technique used to shape the text (e.g. bookends/flashbacks) Explain how it is used specifically in this film (2/3 examples) and to “prepare” the viewer for the ending.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hi Guys

Todays work is based on Moving Images unit standard for the text - Heavenly Creatures. The notes will also be required if you intend to answer the exam (Achievement Standard) on this text.
Preliminary Notes
1.1 At least one main idea in the text is explained with reference to at least one relevant section of the text.
The main idea in the moving image text Heavenly Creatures is ______________ .
This is shown when (give 3 specific examples of this from the film).

1.2 The significance of a main idea in the text is analysed with reference to at least one relevant section of the text.
The significance of the main idea is (can be historical – i.e. how it fit/didn’t fit society in 1950’s Christchurch – refer to H.C. website for news articles of that day) or sociological (how society/the girls place in it affected the outcome)
This is shown when (give 3 specific examples of this from the film).

1.3 Three examples of language features are identified using appropriate terminology, and each example is described in terms of its effect i.e. Explain how the technique is used in the text (use specific examples). What is the intended effect – What does the filmmaker want the viewer to learn through the use of this particular technique?)

Verbal (at least one from here) Visual (at least one from here)
dialogue lighting
sound Costume
Music Camera work
lyrics Editing
Mise en scene